

Découvrez notre sélection des runes, d’oracles et de tarots, ainsi que leurs accessoires utiles à vos dons et intuition.

Angels, Gods & Goddesses Oracle - Toni Carmine Solarno Angels, Gods & Goddesses Oracle - Toni Carmine Solarno 2
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In this truly inspirational and bestselling oracle card set, the Angels, Gods and Goddesses offer timelesswisdom and uplifting advice to help you navigate the vast ocean of life.
Avengers The Infinity Saga Theory11 playing cards Avengers The Infinity Saga Theory11 playing cards 2
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12,95 €
AVENGERS: Infinity Saga playing cards feature completely custom artwork in every aspect of the design, with the Aces, Jokers, box design, and court cards inspired directly by fan-favorite characters quintessential to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Awakened Dreamer Oracle cards [anglais] - Kelly Sullivan... Awakened Dreamer Oracle cards [anglais] - Kelly Sullivan... 2
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22,95 €
Pocket-sized cards, life-size inspiration. The dreamer within is aware of every hidden detail of who you are, and has access to all the love, beauty, wisdom, and soul-fulfilling splendour this world has ever known. You have glimpsed what you are capable of and who you could be.
Blessed by the Goddess Cards - Lucy Cavendish Blessed by the Goddess Cards - Lucy Cavendish 2
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Blessed by the Goddess Cards - Lucy Cavendish

20,95 €
The Goddess shares her compassionate wisdom to re-mother, protect, nurture, and gently guide you. This sisterhood of Divine Mothers, a diverse collective of cosmic energies, is ready to help you cultivate your truth, strength and courage.
Cosmic Dancer Oracle - Sedona Soulfire & Tess Whitehurst Cosmic Dancer Oracle - Sedona Soulfire & Tess Whitehurst 2
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Dance has always been integral to the human experience. Principles of the Cosmic Dance are present in celebration, ritual, storytelling, philosophy, and more. The wisdom, connection, and inspiration that arise through sacred movement have found their way to you through the captivating artwork and empowering teachings of this dynamic oracle.
Divine Circus Oracle 2020 - Alana Fairchild Divine Circus Oracle 2020 - Alana Fairchild 2
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22,95 €
A creative spiritual revolution is underway on this planet, and you are part of it. Your spirit thrives in freedom and refuses to be constrained by stereotypes. This brilliantly rebellious part of you claims your authentic path and passionate purpose with gusto, caring not whether there is logic or lunacy at its heart.
Inspiration - L'appel de votre vie (Coffret) - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Inspiration - L'appel de votre vie (Coffret) - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 2
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Le Docteur Wayne Dyer vous propose ce jeu de 50 cartes basé sur son best-seller du même nom. Son but est de vous aider à cultiver l'inspiration créative et à en faire l'une de vos motivations fondamentales dans la vie. En effet, plutôt que de la laisser surgir d'elle-même de temps en temps, de manière apparemment indépendante de vos propres désirs,...
James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards 2
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James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards

12,95 €
James Bond first appeared on our screens in the classic 1962 film Dr. No. 58 years later, 007 is still our favorite secret agent. In celebration of the twenty-fifth installment in the beloved James Bond series - No Time To Die - theory11 proudly presents James Bond 007 Playing Cards.
Le Mini Tarot Rider Waite Smith Le Mini Tarot Rider Waite Smith 2
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Le Mini Tarot Rider Waite Smith

14,95 €
Le tarot des tailleurs de pierre - Hugues Gartner & Jean-Michel Mathonière Le tarot des tailleurs de pierre - Hugues Gartner & Jean-Michel Mathonière 2
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Ce luxueux coffret est une curiosité dans le monde des cartes puisque, pour une fois, il ne s'agit pas d'une simple variation d'un tarot de Marseille adapté à une thématique à la mode mais de s'interroger sur les symboles, de comprendre leurs origines, leurs sens et leur grammaire, de les associer entre eux pour structurer la pensée et de ce fait,...
Les cartes du langage émotionnel du corps - Coffret Les cartes du langage émotionnel du corps - Coffret 2
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26,29 €
Le corps est un grand capteur, un grand récepteur qui accueille toutes les sensations (émotions) et les transmet au cerveau qui analysera, quantifiera, interprétera (sentiments). Le corps est un livre que nous pouvons décrypter à travers les signes et signaux qu'il émet.
Magickal Messages From The Mermaids - Lucy Cavendish Magickal Messages From The Mermaids - Lucy Cavendish 2
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Magickal Messages From The Mermaids - Lucy Cavendish

21,95 €
Mermaids are here to help you reconnect with your wild sensuality, celebrate your strengths, and harness the wisdom of your emotions. Overflowing with the freedom and cleansing energy of the oceans, this enchanting 55-card deck from bestselling author Lucy Cavendish will bring the treasure, beauty, and guidance of the mermaids directly into your life....
Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards 2
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Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards

12,95 €
Another warrior emerges in the Star Wars™ galaxy: a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic. His name is Din Djarin™. The Mandalorian™.
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