

Découvrez notre sélection des runes, d’oracles et de tarots, ainsi que leurs accessoires utiles à vos dons et intuition.

Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud 2
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Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud

17,95 €
Cet authentique reproduction du tarot de Marseille créé au XVIIIème siècle est le tarot divinatoire le plus diffusé dans le monde.
Avengers The Infinity Saga Theory11 playing cards Avengers The Infinity Saga Theory11 playing cards 2
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12,95 €
AVENGERS: Infinity Saga playing cards feature completely custom artwork in every aspect of the design, with the Aces, Jokers, box design, and court cards inspired directly by fan-favorite characters quintessential to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson 2
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Coffrets divinatoires

Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson

31,95 €
Roll up, roll up! Come see the greatest tarot circus on earth! This unique deck showcases the excitement and illusion to be found under the big top along with all the behind-the-scenes intrigue that fuels the show.
Coffret 21 jours pour arrêter de stresser !: 1 livret accompagné de 84 cartes pour jouer en solo ou a plusieurs Coffret 21 jours pour arrêter de stresser !: 1 livret accompagné de 84 cartes pour jouer en solo ou a plusieurs 2
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Je déstresse et j'adopte une zen attitude en toutes circonstances ! Grâce à ce coffret, reprenez le contrôle de vos émotions pour mieux les identifier et vous libérer durablement du stress : 21 jours pour transformer positivement votre vie professionnelle et personnelle.
Enchanted Oracle - Jessica Galbreth & Barbara Moore [anglais]
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Seek your destiny through trailing vines and gnarled trees in a secret realm rich with myth and magic...Enter an enchanted world filled with fairies, goddesses, and sorceresses; a magical world of possibility and power; a world in which you can weave your future.
Everyday Witch Oracle -Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba Everyday Witch Oracle -Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba 2
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Improve your Craft and find the answers you seek with this easy-to-use oracle full of black cats, pointed hats, and spellwork galore. Everyday Witch Oracle pairs charming images with brilliant wisdom, a combination that will boost your divination and add positive vibes to your life.
James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards 2
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James Bond Agent 007 Theory11 Playing Cards

12,95 €
James Bond first appeared on our screens in the classic 1962 film Dr. No. 58 years later, 007 is still our favorite secret agent. In celebration of the twenty-fifth installment in the beloved James Bond series - No Time To Die - theory11 proudly presents James Bond 007 Playing Cards.
La Voyante La Voyante 2
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La Voyante

9,50 €
La Voyante est un jeu de cartes idéal pour tous ceux et toutes celles qui souhaitent trouver des réponses à leurs interrogations : Amour, Santé, Richesses. En effet, il n'est désormais plus besoin d'être une Cartomancienne pour lire l'avenir dans les cartes.
Llewellyn's Classic Tarot - Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith Llewellyn's Classic Tarot - Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith 2
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One of Llewellyn s most powerful tarot kits is now available in a deluxe magnetic-closure hardbox with a new cover and a full-color guidebook. Discover Eugene Smith s gorgeously rendered and evocative artwork based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith system but with a fresh and relatable perspective. Barbara Moore s full-color guidebook features both...
Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards 2
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Mandalorian Stars Wars Theory11 playing cards

12,95 €
Another warrior emerges in the Star Wars™ galaxy: a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic. His name is Din Djarin™. The Mandalorian™.
Mini Marseille - Paul Marteau Mini Marseille - Paul Marteau 2
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11,95 €
C'est la réplique exacte du Tarot de Marseille. Son format réduit en fait le compagnon idéal de tous les déplacements. 
Oracle de mes vies: Au fil des tirages, apaise tes blessures d'aujourd'hui en identifiant tes vies antérieures - Karine Micard Oracle de mes vies: Au fil des tirages, apaise tes blessures d'aujourd'hui en identifiant tes vies antérieures - Karine Micard 2
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Cet oracle t'attend au carrefour de tes vies pour te sortir de situations bloquantes - qu'il s'agisse de peurs, d'un ressenti négatif, d'une relation houleuse... -, pour t'aider à comprendre les schémas karmiques qui se jouent et, enfin, t'allier à ton karma plutôt que de le nier ou de le balayer.
Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson 2
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Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson

24,95 €
From the creator of the bestselling Linestrider Tarot, Siolo Thompson, comes a world that is both strange and familiar—both other and kin. Each card in this unique deck features a being who inhabits the liminal space between myth and fact, human and animal.
Scorpio Sea Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova Scorpio Sea Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova 2
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From Maggie Stiefvater―#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Scorpio Races―comes a new tarot deck of rugged beauty and mystery. Like a charming flower that turns out conceal poison beneath its petals, Scorpio Sea Tarot seems simple on the surface but demands a closer look.
Shadowscapes Tarot (78 card deck and a 264 page book) -... Shadowscapes Tarot (78 card deck and a 264 page book) -... 2
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Surrender to the fantastical world of your deepest dreams...where butterflies float upon shifting mists set aglow by the rising sun. A place where twisting branches arc across shimmering skies, willowy fairies dance on air, and tree spirits sing from a hallowed oak. Delve into the shadows of your dreams—and awaken to truth.
Star Wars Dark Side Red Theory11 Playing Cards Star Wars Dark Side Red Theory11 Playing Cards 2
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12,95 €
Channel your inner Sith, join the First Order, or maintain order in the galaxy alongside Emperor Palpatine’s Imperial Army. The Dark Side deck features Darth Vader’s lightsaber, the Death Star, and the Empire’s fleet of starships. “You don't know the power of the dark side!”
Star Wars Silver Dark Theory11 Playing Cards Star Wars Silver Dark Theory11 Playing Cards 2
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Star Wars Silver Dark Theory11 Playing Cards

12,95 €
Channel your inner Sith, join the First Order, or maintain order in the galaxy alongside Emperor Palpatine’s Imperial Army. The Dark Side deck features Darth Vader’s lightsaber, the Death Star, and the Empire’s fleet of starships. “You don't know the power of the dark side!”.
The Raven's Prophecy Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater The Raven's Prophecy Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater 2
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23,95 €
The iridescent sheen of a raven's wing reveals a tantalizing glimpse of the future. A tattooed hand, sinews roiling like ley lines, peels back the gossamer veil that separates this world from the next. With art and instructions by Maggie Stiefvater.
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