

Découvrez notre sélection des runes, d’oracles et de tarots, ainsi que leurs accessoires utiles à vos dons et intuition.

Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud 2
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Ancien Tarot de Marseille Grimaud

17,95 €
Cet authentique reproduction du tarot de Marseille créé au XVIIIème siècle est le tarot divinatoire le plus diffusé dans le monde.
Bicycle Age of Dragons by Anne Stokes Bicycle Age of Dragons by Anne Stokes 2
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Bicycle Age of Dragons by Anne Stokes

5,50 €
La créature fantastique la plus connue et la plus populaire est le dragon, avec des récits mondiaux à travers l'histoire et des apparitions dans d'innombrables histoires et films fantastiques. Dans son nouveau jeu Age of Dragons, Anne Stokes imagine un monde où les dragons sont réels.
Bicycle Archanges Bicycle Archanges 2
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Bicycle Archanges Premium

9,95 €
Inspirés par la mythologie et illustrés à la main, les Archanges représentent un nouveau sommet d'élégance dans la conception des cartes à jouer.
Bicycle Asteroïd Cartes à jouer Bicycle Asteroïd Cartes à jouer 2
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Cartes à jouer

Bicycle Asteroïd Cartes à jouer

5,50 €
Bicycle® Asteroid présente les couleurs vibrantes du soleil et de notre système solaire. Aucun astéroïde n'étant semblable à un autre, ce jeu de cartes unique vous ravira à coup sûr.
Bicycle Dragon cards Bicycle Dragon cards 2
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Bicycle Dragon cards

12,95 €
The Dragon. A mythological being, a legendary creature with magical qualities, who still arouses curiosity, magnetism and attraction. This mythological creature often plays an important role as god or guardian of treasures, or as monster and powerful enemy.
Bicycle® Emotions Bicycle® Emotions 2
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Bicycle Emotions

5,50 €
Les cartes à jouer Emotions révèlent les émotions des figures présentes sur les cartes.
Bicycle Hoyle Waterproof Playing Cards Bicycle Hoyle Waterproof Playing Cards 2
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Bicycle Hoyle Waterproof Playing Cards

7,50 €
Les cartes à jouer Hoyle Waterproof sont résistantes à l'eau, on peut donc les utiliser à la piscine, le bain ou la plage sans s'inquiéter.
Bicycle Royauté & Tragédie Cartes luminescentes Bicycle Royauté & Tragédie Cartes luminescentes 2
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5,50 €
Le jeu Royauté & Tragédie (Tragic Royalty en anglais) est conçu avec des dos noir et rouge foncé audacieux, des cartes de cour fantaisistes et macabres, chacune avec des poses d'espièglerie tragique et l'As de pique est pris dans une toile d'araignée.
Bicycle Vintage Classic Bicycle Vintage Classic 2
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Bicycle Vintage Classic

7,50 €
Ce jeu de cartes semble avoir été enfermé pendant près d'un siècle, en attendant que quelqu'un vienne le redécouvrir. Le boîtier complexe a magnifiquement vieilli comme le carton a jauni, mais le rouge a gardé sa couleur vibrante au fil des ans.
Circles of Strength - 40 Inspirations to Inner Harmony - Edda Costantini & Bettina Kaever Circles of Strength - 40 Inspirations to Inner Harmony - Edda Costantini & Bettina Kaever 2
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Every life follows a certain rhythm, a cycle. Like nature we experience phases of weakness and phases of power; times of loss and times of fullness. The seasons follow a creation cycle, also day and night, as well as the phases of the moon. In our hectic, challenging daily life we often forget that we are a part of this nature.
Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson 2
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Coffrets divinatoires

Cirque Du Tarot - Leeza Robertson

31,95 €
Roll up, roll up! Come see the greatest tarot circus on earth! This unique deck showcases the excitement and illusion to be found under the big top along with all the behind-the-scenes intrigue that fuels the show.
Enchanted Oracle - Jessica Galbreth & Barbara Moore [anglais]
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Seek your destiny through trailing vines and gnarled trees in a secret realm rich with myth and magic...Enter an enchanted world filled with fairies, goddesses, and sorceresses; a magical world of possibility and power; a world in which you can weave your future.
Everyday Witch Oracle -Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba Everyday Witch Oracle -Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba 2
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Improve your Craft and find the answers you seek with this easy-to-use oracle full of black cats, pointed hats, and spellwork galore. Everyday Witch Oracle pairs charming images with brilliant wisdom, a combination that will boost your divination and add positive vibes to your life.
Fairy Tale Cards Matching Game : Matching game for all ages - Brunhilde Noffke Fairy Tale Cards Matching Game : Matching game for all ages - Brunhilde Noffke 2
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This stunningly beautiful card game has been illustrated by several well-known artists. It consists of 32 x 2 cards whereupon the match up pairs show no identical images but two different scenes from the respective fairy tale. A detailed introduction booklet illustrates all matching pairs as well as an abbreviated version of each fairy tale.
Fortune Telling Cards Mlle Lenormand [anglais] Fortune Telling Cards Mlle Lenormand [anglais] 2
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Fortune Telling Cards Mlle Lenormand [anglais]

6,95 €
Lenormand Fortune Telling Cards from the publishing house Cartamundi (CM). The verses on the cards do not replace an own interpretation - they make it just easier for beginners to recognize the significance of the cad. The images are very soft and give a harmonious image.
Herbal Recognition Cards Herbal Recognition Cards 2
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Cartes de méditation

Herbal Recognition Cards

7,95 €
Your card collection is designed to be a handy travel companion, much more convenient to take with you on country walks and gathering trips than a cumbersome book. Using your cards, you will be able to locate and recognize a wide variety of plants in the wild.
I Ching Holitzka [anglais] I Ching Holitzka [anglais] 2
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Notre sélection

I Ching - Klaus Holitzka [anglais]

15,95 €
64 Cartes de I Ching empreintes de la pensée et du savoir de la philosophie chinoise. Nombre de philosophes, d'hommes d'état, de scientifiques, d'être humains en quête de vérité, cherchèrent tout au long des siècles aide et conseil dans le I Ching.
La Voyante La Voyante 2
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La Voyante

9,50 €
La Voyante est un jeu de cartes idéal pour tous ceux et toutes celles qui souhaitent trouver des réponses à leurs interrogations : Amour, Santé, Richesses. En effet, il n'est désormais plus besoin d'être une Cartomancienne pour lire l'avenir dans les cartes.
Llewellyn's Classic Tarot - Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith Llewellyn's Classic Tarot - Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith 2
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One of Llewellyn s most powerful tarot kits is now available in a deluxe magnetic-closure hardbox with a new cover and a full-color guidebook. Discover Eugene Smith s gorgeously rendered and evocative artwork based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith system but with a fresh and relatable perspective. Barbara Moore s full-color guidebook features both...
Mini Marseille - Paul Marteau Mini Marseille - Paul Marteau 2
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11,95 €
C'est la réplique exacte du Tarot de Marseille. Son format réduit en fait le compagnon idéal de tous les déplacements. 
Mystical Kipper - Regula Elizabeth Fiechter Mystical Kipper - Regula Elizabeth Fiechter 2
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7,95 €
The German system of fortune telling, which dates back over 100 years, has been given a vibrant new look with artwork by Urban Trösch, using an elaborate technique. Trösch painted the pictures on small wooden plates that were primed with chalk. This was followed by the multi-layered application of egg tempura colors. The result is a work of art with great...
Mystical Lenormand - Regula Elizabeth Fiechter [English Edition] Mystical Lenormand - Regula Elizabeth Fiechter [English Edition] 2
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This petit 36-card deck encourages readers to explore their own intuition and associations to interpret the cards, or refer to the accompanying 34-page booklet for guidance on each card meaning. The well-written booklet also includes instructions for three different card spreads.
Nature Spirit Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Book for the Journey of the Soul - Jean Marie Herzel Nature Spirit Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Book for the Journey of the Soul - Jean Marie Herzel 2
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The Nature Spirit Tarot interprets tarot symbolism through the living and vibrant world of nature. The 78 cards are illustrated with plants, birds, insects, and reptiles from diverse environments. The deck is self-published in a large 4x7 inch format along with a 188-page companion book, and available from the artist.
Oracle Of The Goddess - Gayan Sylvie Winter & Jo Dose Oracle Of The Goddess - Gayan Sylvie Winter & Jo Dose 2
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15,95 €
The Oracle of the Goddess brings the ancient concept of the goddess as part of the female consciousness back to life. The artful images and the sensitively written text show what kind of messages and wisdom the archetypes of the goddess from different cultures still hold in stock for mankind today.
Osho Zen Tarot - Rajneesh Osho Osho Zen Tarot - Rajneesh Osho 2
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20,95 €
Un remarquable miroir de nos pensées et sentiments inconscients : le jeu transcendantal Zen en tant que source profonde d'inspiration et de connaissance de soi.
Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson 2
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Otherkin Tarot - Siolo Thompson

24,95 €
From the creator of the bestselling Linestrider Tarot, Siolo Thompson, comes a world that is both strange and familiar—both other and kin. Each card in this unique deck features a being who inhabits the liminal space between myth and fact, human and animal.
Rune Vision Cards - Sylvia Gainsford & Howard Rodway Rune Vision Cards - Sylvia Gainsford & Howard Rodway 2
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15,95 €
The runic alphabet was created two thousand years ago by the Germanic peoples of Northern Europe. It is steeped in magic and mysticism, encompassing this ancient cultures beliefs and traditions. The runic oracle was used to enlist the powerful influence of the Norse gods and goddesses that it represented.
Scorpio Sea Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova Scorpio Sea Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova 2
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From Maggie Stiefvater―#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Scorpio Races―comes a new tarot deck of rugged beauty and mystery. Like a charming flower that turns out conceal poison beneath its petals, Scorpio Sea Tarot seems simple on the surface but demands a closer look.
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